One of my new patients, a 77 year old man who has survived 4 different cancers, insisted that I accept an orchid and some plums from his garden. This was especially surprising after his accompanying daughter whispered to me "He swore 30 years ago he'd never have a female doc", I guess He had been refered to me by someone who forgot to mention I was a girl. "So that's why he looked so shell shocked the first time I entered the room!" I wispered back. Knowing that I was going to have to work hard to keep his favor as a female doctor, I agreed to stop by thier home after work to get these gifts. I guess it was my first "house call", tho my services offered were more relationship building than doctoring. In return, I left with a beautiful orchid and some fresh plumbs. Isn't medicine great! Ps- he let me take his picture next to the orchid (tho you can't really see the orchid great)
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