The weekend was a constant barrage of thoughts and emotions, both witnessed and experienced. My brother, the last of 4, moved into college this weekend. Being on a campus again brought back memories from my college days. I have conflicting feelings when I think about going back and doing college again. There is part of me that says "thank GOD" all that is over - I would really not like to repeat the last 10 years of school AGAIN. BUT, there is also a certain part that thinks it would be fun to start again. Especially if I could know what I know now. I would make friends with really extreme people of different walks of life, I would possibly pick some other career, and definitely slow down. There seems to be a rush to life once college ends- hurry up and get married, hurry up and get a job, hurry up and start a family. People are always speeding to something. Colleges are a place to just "be". People lie on the grass and take naps in mid day, throw Frisbees after supper and talk for hours in the communal bathrooms after brushing their teeth. When else does that happen in life!
So, to my brother and all others starting college- enjoy. If it's possible, open your eyes wider to cement these years into your brain. Even in the sadness of leaving family and loved ones, make that a memory- it's all a part of the experience of this time.
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