Thursday, July 26, 2007


Did anyone hear about Oscar the cat on NPR this am?
 LINK: (

There's an article in the New England Journal of Medicine that came out today about this cat with uncanny abilities.  He has lived since a kitten in the a nursing home in Rhode Island. He interacts with the residents and staff, but when he enters a room and jumps up on the bed to sleep with an elderly patient, the nurses usually rush to a phone to call family in.  That's because Oscar somehow senses when people are close to death-  usually within hours the nursing home patient dies.  He's been at 25 deaths, and is viewed as one the most accurate predictors of someone being about ready to die.  Doctors aren't even that good- we'll get down to 24-48 hours, but rarely to the 3-4 hour mark.  It makes you wonder what he senses?  They say he kind of sniffs the air as he wanders in and out of rooms.   Is there a smell of dying?  If so I haven't whiffed it yet!!!

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