Wednesday, December 7, 2005


Have you ever wondered what it really must be like to loose your mind?  To open your eyes and look around, and it all be unfamiliar and new?  I was thinking about that today when we went to see one of our patients with Alzheimer’s. There she sat with her pearls around her neck, and a long gold chain medallion and locket adorning her hospital gown. She was looking at her 2 watches both on her left arm next to her ID bracelet. When we entered she said cheerfully, "I hope you can help me... it seems I don't remember where I'm at or how I got here, but I sure hope I can get home soon." I was surprised she was so up beat, even though she knew her mind was in trouble.  "I'm having a problem with my memory, I just can't understand things" she said, smiling, her glasses half way down her nose like a librarian. She had learned to be clever, adapting to her loss.  When asked "Do you know where you are?" She'd quip, "sure I do, I'm where you are" Is that the grace that accompanies the loss of awareness?  That you also don't know enough to be scared?  I'd think it terrifying, if tomorrow I woke up and didn't know where I was... nothing familiar- the walls, the bed, the mind would whirl trying to recount the last possible memory I DID have.  If it searched and found nothing...what then? Panic? Despair? Yet how happy and childlike Ms. H was.  Unconcerned, if not a bit entertained by all of us.  Although in 5 minutes time, Ms. H will have forgotten me, I don't want to forget her, and her pleasant dementia.  Since I didn't have any camera, I decided to sketch her and those crazy pearls… not as art, but as a reminder.

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