Saturday, January 28, 2006

C-section vs vaginal birth

The newest stats on c-sections for 2004 are out at 29%.  That's almost 1 in every 3 babies now born surgically. This is a marked increase if you consider in 1996 the rate was 20%.  One component is the turn to elective c-sections.  While not an option in most of the Midwest - I can see the temptation.   As we American's grow ever time conscious and efficient - being able to schedule the birth of children down to the half hour seems ideal.  Everyone can come into town, the nursery ready, even pre-printed birth announcements-  like the "save the date" cards for weddings.  I could send people "save the birth date - Dec. 11th at 2 pm" 

As C-sections become more and more safe- it's hard from a legal perspective for doctors to deny elective c-section requests from patients. That leaves the ethical considerations.  As alluded to above, if given the option, when my time comes I would likely choose a c-section.  BUT the ramifications of everyone beginning to do this begins to trouble my brain.  Play it out in your mind - in 20 years from now, will our children learn of vaginal births from a historical perspective only? Could it become an extinct behavior of humans?  Does that seem wrong or just a social adaptation?  I'd love some discussion on this ...anyone?

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