Wednesday, July 27, 2005

It's funny how fast or quick my interpretations of events can change.  Example:  I woke up this morning and thought to myself "I think my patient who is pregnant will deliver today"  And then in half prayer half thought i wondered -what time will she come in?  10:11 came to mind.  I smiled to myself as if playing a little game. I also had a weird sense that this would be true- enough that i actually put scrubs in my bag on my way to work.   So there i sat in rounds, talking about all the patients we are taking care of.  Suddenly another resident came and whispered "your OB patient is upstairs" I looked at my watch -  Truthfully it was 10:11 exactly.   Feeling lighter than air i went to see my patient, knowing this was from God and a good sign of smooth sailing.  

Now, here i sit, actually in the hospital.  It is 9 pm and it's been a LONG day - still no baby.  What happened to my faith - so self assured this morning, thinking this would be such an easy day?  Was I wrong? Was it a trick? OR is this all still part of the plan?  Was that neat little coincidence just that?  funny how things change-  or more that we attribute goodness to God's plan and negative things to not him- - WHY?  why can't THIS all be OKAY, even when I am tired and just want to go home.  We'll see... and see what she does do AND when the baby will come!!!

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