Not everything is always a perfect ending. One of our patients this last week is a single mom of 3. She was diagnosed with cancer last year, having just turned 40 it was very unwelcome news. The doctors were never able to say where the cancer came from. It was squamous cell, but because it had already spread so far when it was found, it couldn't be called "lung" cancer or "skin" cancer. What they did know was it was in her bones and brain and abdomen and it couldn't be cured.
As a mom, her one wish has been to make it to Christmas. However, everyone at the "house" knew that wasn't going to be likely. Although she was still getting around, eating meals, the chance of her making it 3 more months seemed impossible. Always trying to be creative, we just decided to have Christmas early. An email was sent out to all the volunteers and staff on Friday for a call to arms. There was to be a Christmas tree and lights, presents for all the kids...Christmas music and goodies and even a Santa Claus visiting.
In just 2 days, the office here at the house began to fill up with food and gifts in anticipation for Monday's Christmas in September celebration.
I was surprised then when I entered the office this morning to find people in tears. In a seemingly unfair turn of events, our patient had died overnight, on our "Christmas Eve".
What awful timing. All these good intentions by so many caring people, left now to wonder why? And 3 children who were already dealing with a dying mom, not just wondering, but now screaming, WHY?